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Doomsday Delivery
Doomsday Delivery is a Capstone Thesis project for the Master’s in Digital Arts and Sciences program at the University of Florida. The main goal is to utilize virtual reality software to showcase a possible outcome of a world riddled by climate change and conflict through enhanced immersion and gamification. The secondary goal is to present familiarity with drone delivery technology, which is slowly gaining popularity worldwide. The software will be developed in Unity Engine for the Meta Quest 3 and using a Talon Simulations motorized haptic chair.
Unique Tools
January 2024 -- April 2024
Talon Simulations Haptic Chair, Actuate GUI
Unity3, C#, Github, Quest 3, Maya, Substance 3D Painter, Jira, Miro

Nick Reno (Tech Lead & Interaction Programmer)
Rachel West (Project Manager & Modeling/Texturing Lead)
Zoe Mithaug (Programming & UI)
Kevin Long (Programming & Events)
Ana Thomas (Level Design & 3D Modeling)

Environment Design

Concept Art

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