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Fossil Finder
Fossil Finder is a game to simulate the procedures of paleontologists in the field. Users are placed in a Florida marshland environment where they will search for fossils hidden in the rock and dirt of an excavation site. Through the use of a pickaxe, brush, and ray beam, users can excavate, clean, and transport fossils. Users build a complete fossil in each level and are presented short facts about the species upon completion. The use of audio, haptic, and visual feedback serve to immerse the user in the replica environment of the Montbrook Dig Site.
August 2023 -- December 2023
Florida Natural History Museum
Unity3, C#, Plastic SCM, Quest 2, Maya, Substance 3D Painter, Jira
Nick Reno (Project Manager & Programming)
Brendan Caruso (Unity & 3D Modeling)
Zoe Mithaug (Programming & UI)
Thad Muchnok (Programming, Shaders & Unity)
Ana Thomas (Level Design & 3D Modeling)
Environment Design


Uncovering a fossil
Cleaning a fossil

Transferring a fossil

Concept Art

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